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Venture 7 Advisors is representing the owner of an established designer and publisher of greeting cards in the sale of the business.

The Company publishes over 300 greeting cards that are distributed nationally through traditional and non-traditional retail channels. Cards are designed in collaboration with a virtual team of independent artists and copywriters and printed in the U.S. The Company also distributes in Canada, Great Britain and Australia through licensing agreements.


95% Repeat Business 

The Company enjoys long standing relationships with proven industry sales representatives, distributors and retail customers. 

  • The average tenure of existing sales representatives is more than 7 years. 

  • All distributors have been customers for more than 10 years. 

  • The top 10 customers have remained unchanged over the past three years.


Legacy Revenue
The brand is supported by dozens of popular cards that have generated consistent revenue for more than a decade.  35% of 2019 revenue was generated by long-time customer favorites that were released before 2012. 


Strong Creative Team

The staff and contracted copywriters and artists introduce 65 - 70 new cards per year. One third of 2019 sales were generated by cards introduced in 2018 and 2019. 


Covid-19 Impact

The pandemic significantly impacted 2020 revenue despite the fact that most of the Company’s retail partners (e.g. grocery, hardware and pharmacy stores) remained open.  Sales representatives were largely prevented from entering the stores which prevented restock. As quarantine restrictions ease and sales representatives are able to get back into the stores, the Company expects a return to long-term revenue norms.    

Adjusted Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2019

Summary Balance Sheet for Teaser 6-21-20

Summary P&L

Oatmeal Summary P&L for Revised Teaser p
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BD & LC Contact Info Box for Oatmeal Lan
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